• Minishell – my very first shell program

    Whenever I’m asked about an interesting project completed in 42 school, the first that comes to mind is “minishell”. Minishell is the first group project in the 42 core curriculum. My teammate and I created a program Yash which stands for “yx-avery shell”. In this post, I’ll be sharing about the program, its design and…

  • Reflections on Full Stack Open

    One of my goals for the year was to gain experience developing web apps. Given the sea of information and rapidly changing technologies, I wanted to find an online course that can provide direction and structure in getting started. My requirements for the course were: Full Stack Open by University of Helsinki In my search…

  • The dining philosophers problem

    The dining philosophers is a classic synchronization and concurrency problem in computer science, formulated by Dijkstra in 1965. The problem is as follows: This was a project completed in 42 school to learn about multithreading and mutexes. The goal is to implement and run a simulation in which philosophers can eat, sleep and think without…

  • Variadic functions in C

    What are variadic functions? Variadic functions are functions that take in a variable number of arguments. In C, variadic functions take a fixed argument and are denoted with an ellipsis (…) as the last parameter. Here’s the syntax for the function declaration: In order to access the passed arguments, we can use macros defined in…

  • Libft: Writing my first C library

    The first project in 42 school was to create our own library, libft. We learnt the inner workings of standard C functions by coding over 40 functions from scratch. In this post, I’ll share what I’ve learnt and my approach for the project. What are libraries? When learning to code, one of your first programs…

  • Quitting my job to learn to code full time

    Two months ago, I left my Technical Support job to study computer science and coding full time. Since then, I’ve joined the piscine at 42 Singapore, a 26 days intensive bootcamp as part of the admission process, gotten accepted into the school and started the core curriculum. I’m writing this blog to document my journey…